Vietnamese American Foundation (VAF) also known as The Returning Casualty (the Organization) was organized in Texas in July 1993 to lend support to refugees from the post-war Vietnamese re-education camps and their families. The Organization was later renamed to Vietnamese American Foundation (VAF). It is our solemn duty to locate and repatriate the fallen heroes, providing closure to their families and ensuring that they are laid to rest with the honor and respect they deserve.
VAF mission is to locate and collect the remains of those buried and left behind in the post-war re-education camps. The Organization is also working on restoring the cemetery known as Bien Hoa National Military Cemetery (now renamed by the current Vietnamese government as Binh An) as a final resting place for the former South Vietnamese soldiers and citizens who gave their ultimate sacrifice for their country.
The current core leadership team of VAF consists of our Founder, Mr. Thanh D. Nguyen, Mr. Nghi Pham, Mr. Tom Hoang, Mr. Cuong Nguyen and Dr. DongChau Nguyen for a five years term. Their brief individual profile can be found below. None of the board members get paid but too often they have to spend money out of their own pockets to carry out VAF’s mission. All donations (revenue) and expenses are 100% transparent to the public.
The mission of VAF is to bring closure and peace to the Vietnamese people who lost family and relatives in the war, post-war re-education camps by helping them locate and recover the remains of their loved ones AND to honor those who gave their ultimate sacrifices by preserving their final resting place at the Bien Hoa National Cemetery.